Positions are regularly available for research technicians, PhD students, and postdoctoral fellows. Interested to join us? Please ask for availability and send your CV with the name of three references to: r.j.pasterkamp@umcutrecht.nl
We are looking for motivated and talented candidates for graduate and postdoctoral positions in our laboratory. Candidates should have a strong interest in our field of research. Previous experience in neurobiology is helpful but not necessary.
Our general areas of interest and expertise include:
- Developmental and molecular neurobiology: studies on the development and remodeling of neuronal networks in several different neuronal systems, including the dopamine, striatal, cortical and hippocampal systems.
- Mouse genetics: generation of knockout, knockin and transgenic mouse lines (e.g. BAC transgenics, XFP labeled lines, Cre/Flp drivers) and mouse in utero electropration technology for studying various developmental processes.
- Biochemistry: in vivo proteomics approaches for the identification and characterization of novel protein-protein interactions in neurons.
- Neuroanatomy: analysis of developmental processes and defects in the brain using novel neuroanatomical techniques (e.g. fluorescent tract tracing, XFP labeled mice).
- Cell biology and imaging: tissue culture approaches in combination with cellular imaging for studying dendrite and axon growth, branching and guidance and synapse formation.
- RNA regulation: using different approaches (e.g. arrays, deep sequencing, functional technology) we are studying the role of RNA regulation (e.g. by microRNAs) during neuronal network formation.
- Electrophysiology and behavior: in collaboration with several other laboratories we investigate the consequences of defective neuronal network formation on a systems level using electrophysiological and behavioral approaches.
- Neural disease: in collaboration with several other laboratories we investigate situations of perturbed neuronal connectivity, e.g. following traumatic injury or during ALS, Parkinsons disease, schizophrenia and epilepsy.
The Department of Translational Neuroscience is part of the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU). The UMCU comprises the largest biomedical campus in the Netherlands and hosts a large number of clinical and basic research Departments. Several different Departments within the UMCU are organized in an internationally renowned neuroscience research institute, the Brain Center Rudolf Magnus, to ensure excellent training of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, and to promote scientific collaboration over a wide range of neuroscience disciplines (e.g. molecular, cellular, genetics, systems). In addition, the Utrecht University (including the UMCU) offers special expertise centers and biobusiness support to stimulate interdisciplinary research initiatives.
If you are interested in our research and would like to work with us, please contact the laboratory at:
Prof. dr. Jeroen Pasterkamp
Department of Translational Neuroscience
University Medical Center Utrecht
Universiteitsweg 100
3584 CG Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel. +31 88 7568831
Fax. +31 88 7569032
Email. r.j.pasterkamp@umcutrecht.nl